Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Super Stander!

She did it! She REALLY DID IT!! Lilly is finally standing. Given, it's assisted, and it's not for too terribly long....but she's doing it!! She's really doing it.

While most parents of a 13 month old wouldn't think this is such a big deal, the sight of their child standing, this is an INCREDIBLE MILESTONE for Lilly and frankly, it brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it.

It's so nice to even be able to USE the word MILESTONE! Finally.

She has worked for so long, and been through so much to get to this place. I watch her work in 3+ physical therapy sessions, and 2+ occupational therapy sessions a week since she was 4 months old. I hear her groan and squeak as she is propped and prodded into various sitting, crawling, standing positions over and over again. I stand in the back and I watch her tiny arms shake and bend. I have seen her struggle against gravity and even the weight of her own body, for over a year now.

In a way, it makes me sad. To know that she will have to work really, really hard at everything in her life. From sitting to eating to brushing her teeth. All of the things we take for granted. None of those things will ever come easy to her. Everything will take more time, more effort, more perseverance. And as a mom, this is a heartbreaking realization. A very large pill to swallow. The last thing any parent wants, is to see their child struggle. You just want to make it all better. But I cannot. And it kills me.

But, man, you should she the look in her eyes when she's up there. Her knees locked. Her back straight. Her hands clenched onto mine. Her teeny, tiny hips swaying. Her toes curled. She's seeing the world from a whole different angle. Experiencing independence that she has never had before now. And from what I can tell, she is L-O-V- E ing it. A few times she has even pulled her hand away from mine. As if to tell me she wanted to do it on her own.


This is the child they said would never be born alive. That would have no quality of life. That would never smile, or communicate, or ever give back.


Today, I am happy. Happy. HAPPY.
I am the PRESIDENT of her fan club.

Today I couldn't be more PROUD to be Lilly's mom.

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